Cyclic Capacity is fundamental in that it informs about the ontology of any public intervention through its articulation with the policy process. To be transformative, it must integrate the policy cycle and the transformation cycle from a policy analysis approach in terms of a matrix at different levels, including those covering the attributes of sovereignty (systemic, policy, behavioral...) and domains (economic, monetary, financial, social, environmental, technological, digital...) in order to document the impacts on citizens' living conditions.
The use of the concept of cyclic capacity also implies abandoning traditional approaches of sequential and network analysis that add (positive analysis) or multiply (normative analysis) policy cycle and transformation cycle.
Capacitary Transformation and Moon Shot Africa illustrate this new approach and concretizes Volitive Dynamics.
The use of the concept of cyclic capacity also implies abandoning traditional approaches of sequential and network analysis that add (positive analysis) or multiply (normative analysis) policy cycle and transformation cycle.
Capacitary Transformation and Moon Shot Africa illustrate this new approach and concretizes Volitive Dynamics.
I. The Federal State in search of experimental scienceA. The Science of Policy Analysis
B. The logical diagram: Africa as a laboratory
II. Embodying the Vision in the long term: Peace, Stability, Solidarity
A. Towards a multi-spatial and multi-temporal continent
B. Federal Post Westphalian State defixator, scalable and assortative
III. Africa's Capacitary Transformation
A. Systemic transformation
B. Policy Transformation
C. Behavioural transformation
D. Transformation of living condition
I. OverviewII. Why Capacitary Transformation Analytics?
A. CNA, RBM what results?
B. Moon Shots Africa & Capacitary Transformation
III. Steps & processes
A. Mapping Impacts
B. Agenda Setting
C. Cyclical Capacity
IV. In practice
A. Scalability
B. Assortativity
C. Defixator
V. TC Lab