Moon Shots Africa 
RECs                              Zones                              Spaces







I. Overview

The transformation of Africa into a single actor with a vision of peace, stability and solidarity requires new analytics, system tools, impetus and leadership. This is a process that falls under the Capacitary Moon Shot to ensure the complete transformation of the continent, which requires new indicators and the abandonment of traditional approaches such as strategic planning and public management, capacity needs assessment and results-based management.

The definition of the Transformation Steps and Process of is the main purpose of CT Analytics. Impact Mapping provides a better understanding of its foundations if it is part of the global scenarios.

The analysis focuses on how to include CT in the Agenda of regional, continental and transcontinental actors.

The key concept of this inclusion is the Policy Cycle and its integration into the TC Cycle to enable each actor to develop its own Capacity Transformation Agenda while ensuring its compatibility with that of other regional communities, African areas and transcontinental spaces.

In practice, TC Analytics is based on the examination, within the TCA Lab, of concrete transformation experiences and case studies using indicators of Scalability, Assortativity and Defixator steering.



II.  Why Capacitary Transformation Analytics?

A. CNA, RBM what results?
B. Moon Shots of Africa's Capacitary Transformation
III. Steps and processes

A. Mapping
B. Agenda Setting
C. Integration of the Policy Cycle into the Capacity Transformation Cycle
IV.  In practice

A. Scalability
B. Assortativity
C. Defixator

CT Lab : Cases studies

II.  Why Capacitary Transformation Analytics?

A. CNA, RBM what results?

The traditional approach of the Capacity Needs Assessment (CNA), used since the 1990s to support regional and continental organizations, research and training institutions, national administrations and non-state organizations, has improved the design of policies and programmes.

Have these policies and programmes met Africa's capacity needs?
How has the massive adoption of new capacities modelled through continental and regional initiatives had a significant impact on well-being and living conditions?

Faced with the multiplication of urgent problems and extreme events, other methods have been used to identify the results chain and impacts and Result Based Management, RBM.

In practice, capacity development has tended to focus on the capacity to adopt or manage policies and programmes designed according to international standards without always integrating a global and visionary perspective, let alone a logic of capacitary transformation that can take into account the long-run scale, global dynamics and their regional variations.

B. Moon Shots Africa & Capacitary Transformation

In a moon shot perspective, Africa's Capacitary Transformation:

  • Focus on the vision and interactions with global scenarios and options
  • Transforms peace, stability and solidarity into social, climate, institutional, structural, digital and technological reality
  • Has a lasting and inclusive impact on common well-being and living conditions
  • Focuses on the three characteristics that make CT a scalable, assortative and defixator process.
  • Increases Africa's capacity to evolve in the 21st century world; influence Peace, Stability and Solidarity; the mix varies according to the state of each space, zone or region in the face of challenges

III. Steps & processes

A. Impact mapping
1. multiply the angles of attack
2. adapt the scale of answers
3. carry out robustness tests and cross impact analysis
4. assess the need for a vision and identify barriers to CT
B. Agenda setting
C. Integration of the Policy Cycle into the Capacitary Transformation Cycle

A. Mapping Impacts

1. Multiply the angles of attack
  • Carry out a series of analyses to better understand the morphology of the scenarios and to navigate with a compass that is essential given their exploratory dimension:
  • Evaluate the characteristics of the process:
2. Adapt the Scale of Answers
  • Address new wild cards and weak signals by identifying major requirements to adapt the response scale.

3. Conduct robustness tests and cross impact analysis
  • Test the robustness and impact of responses using scoping, classification and adequacy criteria
  • Carry out cross impact analyses on the themes of the vision and the global scenarios in order to singularize the wild cards, weak signals and ultra-traces
4. Assess the need for a vision and identify barriers to CT

B. Agenda Setting

Setting CT in the agenda of the global and regional actors refers to their position in the players matrix and game in relation to the stake and to other actors.
Complete these matrices with the matrix of the different agenda setting modalities by crossing:
the typology of the actors 
the circumstances likely to cause this listing to obtain the following matrix:

Issue Stakeholders Game Goals Targets CT Approaches  (Recall)
Issue Stakeholders Game Goals Targets CT Approaches  (Recall)

C. Cyclical Capacity

Cyclical capacity = capacity to integrate policy cycle to capacitary transfrmation cycle

1. Policy Cycle
The current definition of the Policy Cycle presents it as a methodology to address medium-term challenges such as those specified in the Global Foresight exercise. The aim is to optimize the coordination and cooperation of actors in the face of threats and opportunities by acting on their capacities and vulnerabilities.
The Policy Cycle consists of at least 3 steps
  • Draw lessons from the variety of capacity transformation plans conducted in Africa under different names (Economic Development Plan, SAP, Poverty Reduction Strategy,  Emergency Plan, Emergence or Structural Transformation Plan...)
  • Name and stop mechanical attempts to transpose approaches (Marshall Plan, EU, KCS Master Plan) into Africa, aggravated by limited specification of requirements.
  • Identify those obstacles to the ACT that encourage conflict, instability, every man for himself and ultimately promote dependence on external aid and the devaluation of young African talent through irregular migration.

Select priorities, initiatives, plans and programs
- To include the TCA from the outset in the inter-regional (Euramerican, Eurasian) and global space (eco-innovation, commons...)
- Focus the CTA on social protection (youth) and resilience to climate shocks, standardization and innovation.
- Fight against corruption, retain young people and accelerate regional integration

Carry out interim analyses and evaluations

Which Priority?
The Systemic Transformation or Moon Shots Capacitary that allows:
  • to protect itself against the scourges such as corruption and the mediocrity of political and economic leaders who favor the exodus of young talent, the depletion of resources, withdrawal, conflicts....:
  • to exploit all the opportunities offered by regional integration and the development of global platforms.
Africa Moon Shot goes through the implementation of the triptych:

Global Market    Global Currency    Global Platform   
with a view to causing a chain of causes and effects on policies, behaviors and to have a final impact on living conditions and well-being.
2. Capacity Transformation Cycle
The chain of causes and effects is the key element of the capacitary transformation cycle, which may have been defined in various ways depending on whether a public policy analysis, good governance or strategic management approach is put forward.
3. Integration
Integrate the capacitary transformation approach into the framework defined by global foresight (megatrends, scenarios, vision) starting from the Africa Moon Shot priority.

IV.  In practice

A. Unit of analysis
Capacitary transformation mechanisms:
Ultimate Effect

TC areas:

TC Leaders/Defixator
Transcontinental Spaces
B. Scalability
C. Assortativity
D. Defixator

A. Unit of analysis
Capacitary transformation mechanisms:
Ultimate Effect
Mécanismes de Transformation Capacitaire 
Capacitary transformormation mechanisms

TC areas:

TC Leaders/Defixator
Transcontinental Spaces

A. Scalability

Analyze the transformation of potential capacities into effective capacities in the face of creative or destructive disruptions multiplexed to the point of amplifying capacity traps and holes

B. Assortativity

Measure the propensity of countries, RECs, Zones and Spaces to densify their relations to contain the disruptive effects of capacitary transformation, particularly related to the transition from a sequential to an exponential process.

C. Defixator

The transformer (leader or defixator) builds his relationship as a defixator process that involves:
- to break with reductive concepts, imported visions, imaginary perceptions, negativity, status quo and anchoring biases,
- to protect against the crowding-out, locking-in, path-dependency and picking-losers effects
- to be part of a mutual recognition process.
It is a question of fully assuming its history and the achievements of humanity
- without presenting himself as a victim who demands reparation, restitution, consolation prize or tied aid and
- to look to the future, to first-move, create, innovate, anticipate
- without worrying about followers, copiers and looters.
Each of the actors can provide leadership for TC or to stimulate it within
Regions/RECs, Zones, Transcontinental Spaces

V. TC Lab

Use case studies to guide the TCA Analytics approach 
within the TCA Lab