Euro and Dollar Challenging Africa L'Afrique face au défi de l'Euro et du Dollar

The African economies and currencies, its regional financial markets and monetary institutions are all
strongly affected by their relationships with the strong currencies like the dollar and the euro. These
effects vary according to whether the economy of a country is linked to the dollar or to the euro : they
are also a function of the nature and importance of the basic products of that country to the world
market. However, the presence of both the dollar and the euro on the continent creates some specific
problems for the African countries. Will the competition between the two currencies make a more
balanced, even polycentric monetary system possible ? Will the African countries experience the
same fate as the emerging economies during the “dollarization” process ? Given the influence of the
dollar on the world market, is the linkage between the euro and the CFA sustainable ? On what
monetary basis – dollar or euro – can the monetary integration project of the CEDEAO be achieved ?
While the answer to these questions will depend on world-level developments and negotiations with
the international financial institutions, it will also depend on the ingenuity of the African peoples.

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Another Century of Development

NEPAD and Global Governance

Nepad Capacity

English version

English version

RECs Capacity

The Strategic Framwork

Survey of the Capacity Needs of Africa's Regional Economic Communities

Sams Dine SY

author :
Part 1 :
Clic here : CEMAC
Clic here : CEN-SAD
Clic here : UEMOA
Clic here : CEEAC
Clic here: Strategic Framework

contributor :
Executive summary
Part 1 : Synthesis of Finding
Part 2 : COMESA

Editor : The African Capacity Building Foundation

To download, clic on the cover page

RECs Survey

Vers une Vision pour le Monde, l'Afrique et l'Humanité

Le Penseur et l'Expert

Mélanges en l'honneur de Samir Amin/Essais in honour of Samir Amin

Editeurs :
Sams Dine SY e.a

ISBN : 2-7475-4111-8 • avril 2003 • 530 pages


Vers Un Millénaire Éthique et Politique

Publié par PEKEA
Cliquer sur l'image pour télécharger le fichier


Capacité de l'Université Africaine du 3e Millénaire

Capacité Doctorale Régionale Africaine en Économie-Gestion

Capacité de Gestion Macroéconomique et des Marchés Financiers

Capacité de Gestion des Marchés Financiers et des Banques