Zone Franc CFA

The specificity of the monetary regime of the Franc Zone is probably the origin of its sustainable operation: it has preserved the Member countries of the downward trend in flows of the capitaix to Africa.
Since 1987, the Franc Zone is facing new challenges following the FF anchor in the narrow margin of the EMS exchange.
The program completion of THEUMA opens new prospects for adjustment area.
- mechanical adjustment: this is the trend scenario where the bulk of the mechanisms of the Franc Zone remains entact.
Only exchange the base monetary tickets, room, price, balance and salaries or read ECU replaces FCFA and CF.
- a contratstee variant where countries gain their monetary sovereignty with flexible and differentiated regimes.
- a structural change scenario where fourteen African countries retain their monetary unit: ls accompanying measures progressively lead to ensure the convertibility of their currency.
2. the overall assessment of the impact of various scenarios of adjustment as well as sustainability in the medium and long term suggest to influence the central tendency towards a structural change of the regime by a gain of both flexibility in the exchange rate mechanism for the institutional framework for coordination...
This involves:
- the assessment of the abilities of the franc zone, currency unions and States to anticipate the impact
- study the feasibility of a monetary union between the 14 States;
- the institutionalization of the meeting of the Finance Ministers by giving it a legal capacity to negotiate for all States,
- an initiative of the EC to help the spays convert the impact of the communaiteires financing facilities and new investment projects.
Monetary policy and the contribution of the EC must be to inflichir the trend scenario of the adjustment of the regime of this zone to a more flexible regime around a structure and integrated and autonomous institutions.
Scénarios Zone Franc Afrique
Impact Prévu de l'évolution du Système Monétaire Européen sur le Régime Monétaire et Financier des pays Membres Africains de la Zone Franc ; 1990
A. Vue d'ensemble
B. Le scénario tendanciel
C. Un scénario contrasté : souveraineté monétaire
D. Un scénario de changement structurel
E. Un scénario extrême
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