Regional Foresight:Africa in the world of the 21st century
After five centuries of abrupt changes, the future of Africa as a continental space nevertheless begins to emerge.
The correlation between population dynamics and economic performance is established, whereas history teaches that the fall of the Roman empire was preceded by a population decline. Today countries like the Russia and the Japan, regions such as Europe, perceive this tragedy as quasi-inexorable. In contrast, the next pole of global scaling training emerges when Africa is able to catch up, and then beyond China and the India to 2025 and finally to be as populated by 2050, that Asia was in 1900. In addition, when more than 60% of the African population is preparing to live in the cities to 2025, the decomposition of the agrarian society becomes irreversible.
The reduction of poverty and inequality and growth appear as two aspects of the same process. While the wave of growth (the 5th Kondratiev cycle) will, without doubt, reached its peak before 2050, Africa sets up the ingredients of sustainable development engaging now to reduce by half the number of people living below poverty line around 2015.
When the use of violence and terror, first directed against Africa during the 2nd millennium spreads at the point of return against the attributes of the first power world on 11 September 2001, the conditions for enhancement of the principles of wisdom and tolerance that characterize Africa are created.
The Panafricanist currents moving across the continent are the notion of continental, a key factor of dynamism. But the continental time is different from that of the countries and peoples, and this difference is source of misunderstandings. Should of did not underestimate the difficulty of building a global repository, because it must be both, sufficiently strong to take into account the different levels, sufficient consensus to exclude any African, he was of the Diaspora and flexible enough to make the subject of interpretation without being handed in question.
This fix is added to the specificity of Africa, long implementation Cup set by the slave traders, before they move in settlers, until they turn the Knowledge Manager and owners of technologies still under the tutelage of donors
The horizon of the Millennium applies to who wants to suggest the development of a continent that five centuries of terror and violence have come to reduce the State's Terra incognita. It is also necessary because by comparison, Europe has built around lineaments of a program called ex-post Westphalian/European order then order global/Western and which had been defined as early as the 16th century. This program has influenced the world for four hundred years before be questioned by BOL explosion that takes place for three decades.
Reflection around another program already mobilizing around the community of the futurists and the cliometres, the greatest thinkers, experts, decision makers, sages and think-tank world. The contours of the future programme, this already as being ecumenical, are already known because it is expected that all cultures contribute. However, in practice, all global and regional powers tend to print their brand. Each of them sees the Renaissance to his door, leadership candidates are numerous. Forward thinking exercises multiply in recent years both at the continental, regional and national levels to address this challenge. But Africa is not left out, despite its structural handicaps.
Africa in the world of the 21st century: Vision and proposals; 2000
I. Millennium 2nd one that puts Africa offside
Globalization through violence and terror against Africa
Why a Millennium for Africa?
II. The 3rd millennium and Africa: uncertainties and challenges
Africa and uneven global development
Africa and global governance: new reports are possible?
Africa and humanity: invent a new paradigm
Africa and science: difficult to bridge gap
III. The situation in Africa: challenges and urgent problems
Africa in situation
International cooperation for the development of Africa
The new partnership for the development of Africa (Nepad)
The impact of the tragedy of 11/09/2001 on the common vision of Africa
IV The 3rd millennium for Africa
The vision for Africa, the world and the African
For an implementation collaborative vision
Monitoring of the implementation, management and other strategic considerations
V. Objectives and structure of the programme "3rd millennium for Africa"
A. switch programs cooperative investment
1 investments in intangible resources
2. investment products and services portfolio
3 investments in critical infrastructure
4. investments in the social sectors (health, education and access to basic social services, see b 5).
B. affirm the centrality of Africa in the global system
1. promoting ethics in business and combat corruption
2. promoting human security
3. turn the scientific and technological applications in the service of society and citizens
4 set up the African space agency and launch the "first African satellite.
5 fighting HIV/AIDS, inequality, and pandemics
6. promote integration inter regional, sub regional and transboundary
C. promoting the Global Fund for investment and the development of Africa