Deployment in Africa
Development & Strategic Planning

U.N. Idep 


              Audit du management         1993

1.         Rôle et profil
2.         Environnement
3.         Base du partenariat et de la clientèle
4.         Liens avec l'environnement
5.         Ressources et compétences
6          Système de management
1.        Résumé de l'audit du management
2.         Nécessité d'un nouveau cadre
3.         Objectifs et stratégie de mise en œuvre
4.         Management stratégique
5.         Programme opérationnel

6.         Organisation et gestion
7.         Impact attendu
8.         Coût estimatif des investissements
9.      Financement par nature et par source

Tableau : Indépendance et autonomie comparées entre IDEP, IRCA et WIDER  
Budget et plan de financement
Matrice du programme opérationnel et de l'appui au programme
Graphiques :  Organigramme adopté etorganigramme réel                
                         :  Proposition d'organigramme

ANNEXE  :         Schéma d'audit                      

U.N. Idep

The Statutes and the Resolution determine the main vocation, attributions and strategic choices of the Institute.  IDEP's performance is limited to diploma training in an intervention zone that does not exceed one third of African member countries from one year to the next.  While the mandate is still valid, the choice "to organize a 24-month graduate program... on planning techniques" has become restrictive and paralyzing for the development of new programs in interaction with training. Indeed, at a time when the long-term strategic framework that is the African Economic Community is being put in place, it is up to IDEP to provide policy analysis and management capacities for macroeconomic and political strategies. 
To expand IDEP's performance and increase the effectiveness of training, its development strategy must integrate research, training seminars and advisory services where Member States' needs have become considerable, alongside the training of new profiles of national economic analysts, policy advisors and managers. 
The revision of the mandate should therefore seek to broaden the objectives and responsibilities to include: "Development of human resources for policy analysis, strategic planning and development management in African countries through research, training, development, advisory services, consultation and networking for the production and dissemination of publications. This effort to transmit knowledge and know-how for development takes into account the need to strengthen the Institute's self-reliance capacity for the benefit of Member States".

  1. Summary
  2. Policy Analysis : Deployment in Africa
  3. Sauver l’Europe « quoi qu’il en coute » : mission impossible ?
  4. De la Cacophonie Climatique aux Objectifs de Décroissance Economique et
  5. Climate Cacophony Against the Backdrop of Hybrid Paradigms War (ongoing)
  6. Covid Analytics for Dummies
  7. Stop Policy Analysis bashing !
  8. Sustainable Financing for Capacity Development in Africa
  9. New Modes of Governance in Africa.;2006
  10. Universities: Towards the African University of the 3rd Millennium: Master Plan
  11. Phd & Master Economics: Capacity of African Faculties of Economics and Management
  12. Central Banking & Economic Policy Analysis
  13. Master in Finance & Business CESAG: Capacity for Higher Education in Banking and Financial Markets
  14. Methodology : Preparing and Designing a National Capacity Development Plan: The Case of CAR
  15. Partnership : Nepad critical assessment
  16. Integration : RENFOR ECCAS Capacity
  17. Entreprise Capacity Develpment Project: Impact of Private Sector Business Foundation Support, 1995
  18. Millenium Summit & African leaders : a discursive policy analysis
  19. Public Spending Review : the case of social sector Senegal, 1998
  20. The Federalist: Africa and the Federal State
  21. Performance : Sen-Stigltz Report : a comment
  22. Franc CFA in search of Capacitary Transformation
  23. Cluster competitivness & National Innovation System
  24. Euro Dollar & Challenges for West Africa
  25. Mdgs
  26. Another Century for Develpment
  27. Globalisation & Development
  28. Futur of Socialism
  29. Transformation of the CFA Franc Zone, 1997
  30. Should we imitate the american model ?
  31. Globalization: Landmarks and Evolution, Characteristics and Stakes
  32. Financial Policy for Growth: Senegal; 1997
  33. Critical Social Thinking: Blends in honor of Samir Amin
  34. The Thinker and the Expert, 2003
  35. Samir Amin : Nobel Prize in Economics ?
  36. Ethics & Policy
  37. Production and Industrial Management in Africa: 1996
  38. Regional Dynamics & Innovation System
  39. Action Plan for Financing Agricultural Research; 1995
  40. Policy Analysis Template, 1992
  41. Core Capacities UNECA; 1994
  42. From Development Planning to Policy Analysis
  43. Planning in Africa: Key Issues for the Future 1992
  44. Idep Short Term Training: 1992 in Policy Analysis Idep: 1992
  45. Preparatory phase; Idep; 1991
  46. Idep : Review of the Training Program 1964-1991
  47. UNDP Rôle And Mandate, 1991
  48. Senegalese experience in U.N. projects execution, 1991
  49. Master in Finance & Business: African Management Training Network